New Zealand moves to Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm on Monday 27 April and many businesses will begin the process of returning to something like normal the following day.
As part of the process your company may need to implement a contact tracing procedure to track anyone who enters your place of work.
Effective contact tracing helps prevent potential onward transmission, raises awareness, and supports early detection of suspected cases. A comprehensive contact tracing system also allows the Ministry of Health to ensure rapid identification and isolation of any new cases.
Our friends at Mitsubishi Motors got a head-start last week and have put Showcase to extra good use by including a contact tracing form for anyone entering their dealerships.
If your business needs to do the same we're making this simple data collection form available to all new and existing customers (including anyone on the 14-day free trial) so you can collect details from visitors to your business.
You can use this form on any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Here's how to take up this free offer:
If you're already a Showcase Workshop customer
Copy and paste the block of code below into a New Hotspot and choose the URL content type.
Create a simple menu to explain the purpose of the form and how you intend to use the details customers enter. You could also put the form behind a hotspot that simply states the purpose of the form (something like "COVID-19 Visitor Tracing Form" would do the trick nicely).
showcaseform://{"name":"CovidVisitorTrackingForm","fields":[{"name":"name","mandatory":"true","label":"Full Name","description":"Your full name"}, {"name":"email","mandatory":"true","label":"Email","description":"Your email address"},{"name":"phone","mandatory":"true","label":"Phone","description":"Your phone number"}, {"name":"address","mandatory":"true","label":"Physical Address","description":"Street number, name, suburb & city"}]}
If you want any help setting this up, reach out to your account manager or send an email to Chelsea on the help desk.
And if you're looking for a way to keep your team up to date during this time, check out our free Covid Connection Kit. If you'd like a copy, drop us an email and we'll drop one into your workshop.
If you're not a Showcase Workshop customer
Well, hello.
We hope you'll enjoy this opportunity to experience some of the wonders of Showcase Workshop.
1. Firstly, sign up for an account — it's free for the first 14 days (which is how long Level 3 is expected to last) and you don't have to enter any credit card details to get started. If you need access for more than 14 days, it's $20 per month and you can cancel anytime.
2. Log in to your new account and create a blank showcase presentation:
3. Rename your showcase to something meaningful like "[Your Business Name] COVID-19 Contact Tracing Form"
4. Add a background image. You can use an image from your company photo library, a simple abstract pattern, or maybe something really cute if that's a mood you think your visitors will be in for.
5. Add a Hotspot. Choose 'URL' as the type of content for the hotspot and then paste the code below into the bar. Be sure to copy all of it, including the brackets. Leave the check boxes as the defaults.
showcaseform://{"name":"CovidVisitorTrackingForm","fields":[{"name":"name","mandatory":"true","label":"Full Name","description":"Your full name"}, {"name":"email","mandatory":"true","label":"Email","description":"Your email address"},{"name":"phone","mandatory":"true","label":"Phone","description":"Your phone number"}, {"name":"address","mandatory":"true","label":"Physical Address","description":"Street number, name, suburb & city"}]}
6. Click your new hotspot to add some text. You can keep it simple with something like: "Please CLICK HERE to add your details to our contact tracing database."
If you want to add secondary text to explain the form or what you intend to do with the details you collect, add another hotspot but this time choose 'New Blank Hotspot' instead of URL. This will give you more flexibility to add different text styling as you can only have one style per hotspot.
7. You can preview your work as you go. When you're happy with your form, publish it.
8. Grab our free app for your iOS, Mac, Android or Windows device(s). Log in using the same email and password you used to create your account. Tap the green cloud to download your snappy new form and then get collecting that important data!
You can retrieve your captured data anytime from the Showcase Reporting area, in the sub-tab called Forms. You can also download the data as a .csv file if you need to.
And if you need a tool for communicating with your own team during this time, check out our free Covid Connection Kit and then get in touch.
Here's an example of a form I made in just a few minutes. It took me more time to choose a background image than to create the form :)
A note for new users: Showcase Workshop is a really smart sales presentation tool. Like many smart things it can do quite a bit more than its primary function when required. Our contact tracing form is intended as a little gift to small businesses and bigger businesses that don't have too many visitors to their sites. Large enterprise and businesses with robust visitor management requirements you should talk to our friends at SwipedOn or WhosOnLocation.
Header Photo by Denys Nevozhai