The Showcase Webapp - more commonly known as the Showcase Workshop or the area that you log in to do your editing - was updated today.

So... what's in store?

Document Thumbnails - When pdf, doc, ppt files are uploaded thumbnails are now auto-generated in the file library. This applies only to new uploads so unfortunately you won't see thumbnails for files of this type that are already in your library.


Naming Conventions - You will notice a few of the naming conventions we use around the site have changed.

  • "Button" is now "Hotspot"
  • "Permission" becomes "Role"
  • "Page" is now "Slide"
  • and "Sign in" has been renamed to "Log in"

Publish from Sharing - Often you've finished creating or editing a showcase and then you need to update the shared resources. Instead of having to go back to the home menu to publish these updates we've added a handy 'Publish changes' button to the top right hand corner of the Sharing screen.


Upload any file - We're now allowing you to upload any kind of file to Showcase. However, unless it appears on our list of supported files you'll likely need the relevant software on your own device to be able to open and access the file from Showcase.

The best use of this new flexibility will likely be for sharing. You can add any type of file to your shared content library and again, as long as the recipient has the software to open it, you can share speciality files direct from Showcase.

Add User Screen Redeveloped - We've completely redeveloped our Add User options.

  • You can now select user roles while adding a user to your Workshop
  • After adding them, you can click right through to their account page and add them to groups if required
  • We've merged the CSV Import and Invite User screens and they're now available as links from the main 'Add User' screen
