B&D (a part of Dulux Group) make the strongest, most secure doors in Australia and their quality is the standard by which others are measured.
They unveiled the first B&D Roll-A-Door in Sydney in 1956, and since then the B&D brand has grown to become an Australian icon.
A mere 60 years later, our favourite Australians launched their first sales app using Showcase Workshop.
Over the past three years the team at B&D have really committed to making their showcase a go-to resource for their sales people and independent dealers.
Yes, it still incorporates the classic elements of a digital sales brochure - there are design specs, videos, and customer presentations about the company - but they didn’t stop there.
B&D have really doubled down on this sales resource, and have continually invested time and effort in keeping their content up-to-date and making improvements in response to feedback from users in the field.
There are two parts of their showcase that I think others can really learn from and that I want to highlight today: their gallery of door finishes, and their Dealer Resources section.

1. Lumber Options and Finishing Colours Gallery
This is actually a pretty simple idea but was definitely a #facepalm / how-did-I-not-think-of-that moment when I first saw it.
Put yourself in the shoes of a salesperson or dealer for a minute.
You have a beautiful, retina screen device that you carry around with you to sales meetings.
Why wouldn’t you use all that high definition real estate to show off samples?

B&D have incorporated full-screen samples - that take up the whole screen - for each of their paint colours and lumber finishes.
How much more convenient for the salesperson is this, than carrying around a folder of those little pieces of wood?!
And how much easier must this be for the customer to visualize what the sample is going to look like at scale.

2. Dealer Resources
As a sales or marketing manager, tell me that it isn’t one of your dreams to have a single, go-to resource for your teams to access the sales and marketing content that they need.
Not one system for brochures, another location for videos and a seperate portal again for dealer and non-customer facing information.
But one single location to rule them all.
I’ve really highlighted tablets in this post but because Showcase works the same on any kind of device - laptop, tablet or phone - the idea of one portal for all your content is not hamstrung by device limitations.
It takes effort and commitment for sure, but B&D shows us all how you can get there by incorporating dealer resources into the same system as the customer-facing content.
It’s not shown here, but much of this is also PIN protected, so even though it’s so close to customer-facing content there’s almost no chance of a customer seeing something that’s intended for internal usage only.

If you have a field team you think could benefit from a sales toolkit like B&D Doors, schedule a demo and we’ll give you an honest appraisal of whether Showcase is also right for you!