Spend any amount of time in NZ and you'll quickly realise that we pay for practically everything electronically.
'EFTPOS' cards and online banking totally dominate, and it's weird to use cash for your personal purchases. Even weirder is the idea of giving cash to your employees for expenses or incentives - but at the same time, hard currency is way more versatile than a gift card limited to a certain store. And with most gift cards, it's hard to track the spending, brand them, or re-load them with more value.
Card Works understand this, and partnered with Mastercard to create the Bonfire gift card - a practical and versatile payment solution for staff incentives, customer gifts, and expense management alike.
Card Works needed a modern, digital tool that they could use to tell Kiwi companies about the brilliant Bonfire card. As you might have guessed - that's where Showcase Workshop comes in!

To get a showcase design up and running, Card Works first utilised design superstars and preferred Showcase partner, Stun. Once Stun had whipped up some gorgeous slides, the design files were given to Card Works to maintain and update the Bonfire showcase in the long-term. This whole process - including some training on how to use the Showcase platform - took a mere 6 weeks. Speedy!

The Bonfire showcase handily covers all the use cases and benefits of the Bonfire gift card system - with some compelling testimonials in the mix as well. Card Works staff using the Bonfire showcase can send summary images and guides straight from the Showcase app, to a prospect's inbox - even while offline, thanks to Showcase's sharing functionality.

Card Works also took advantage of Showcase's nerd squad to build them an interactive "calculator", embedded within the presentation, that works out the likely cost of a set of gift cards based on the certain quantity and style being ordered. This means customers can get a personalised pricing estimate right in front of their eyes - much more compelling than "I'll send you some costs once I'm back in the office".
Check out the Bonfire gift card offering for yourself, or if you're thinking that your own business needs a killer showcase like this one, get in touch!